This Sunday, the 11th of November, the NSK was held at student table tennis association Hyperion in Tilburg. We had a great time and 7 people of TAVERES participated. Special mention goes to Jonathan and Anouk, who won the B-tournament in the men’s and women’s competition, respectively. Of course, all our other participants (Rick, Martijn, […]

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Beer pong activity!

Riddle me this: What is the ultimate drinking game for table tennis players? The answer, of course, is beer pong! Therefore, we held a beer pong night last Thursday for our members at our vice-chairman Arjan’s house, who conveniently has a table tennis table right in the middle of his living room: the ideal set-up […]

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Mierlo Cherry tournament

On Sunday the 7th of October, the yearly Mierlo Cherry tournament took place at our fellow table tennis association MTTV ’72. Martijn de Clerck, Jeroen Weijts and Ilya Artsyman participated for TAVERES, with good results! For Ilya, this was his first tabletennis tournament he played well. Eventually, he ended up 8th in the B-poule, surrounded […]

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The TAVERES Team tournament returns!

On the 15th of december 2018, the team tournament will return! Participants play in teams of two. Subscribe here! You can also find other information about the tournament, such as options for dinner afterwards at community café Hubble. There is only place for 32 teams, so if you haven’t subscribed yet, be quick!

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Board game evening!

Codenames, “Regenwormen”, Splendor… we played them all during last Tuesday’s board game evening at Hubble. Some members showed of impressive skill, others displayed their extraordinary luck, and we all had a good time. We hope to see you again during our beer pong activity (18-10-2018) or the Moekotte tournament (27-10-2018)! We will inform our members […]

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Pictures Bachelor and Master Intro 2018

At the Bachelor and Master intro, we were present to promote our association, allow some soon-to-be students to experience table tennis and offer them a chance to see if they like the sport. Below, you can find some pictures for the Green Strip Market, City tour and workshops in the Bachelor Intro week, as well […]

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1st place in summer competition!

From 18th of May to the 15th of June, table tennis players could play matches during the summer competition. TAVERES participated with one team, which managed to get first place! We congratulate Anouk, Martijn, Rick and Iris with this great achievement!

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Golf clinic & BBQ (29th of June 2018)

As the end of the year is nearing once more, we will organise one last activity for all our members before the holiday starts! On June 29th, we will arrange a golf clinic at Golfcentrum Eindhoven from 17:00 to 19:00, after which you can enjoy a delicious BBQ. Want to sign up? This can be […]

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