Return of the ITT!
Group picture ITT

After a long wait of 3 years, the time had finally come for the revival of the International Table tennis Tournament (ITT)! With a grand total of 94 participants, the 41st edition of the tournament was in general a success. As the name already suggests, this tournament is not just for the Dutchies: the participants […]

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OATK in Nijmegen

Each year, the OATK (Open Akris Tafeltennis Kampioenschappen) are held at student table tennis association NSTTV Akris in Nijmegen, and this year was no exception. Yesterday, Debbie, Jonathan, Antoine and Jeroen participated for TAVERES, and Antoine even managed to snatch one the trophies by becoming the best player in his pool! Congratulations! Afterwards, there was […]

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3-rackethlon tournament

Table tennis, squash and badminton… all in one tournament! That was the premise for yesterday’s 3-rackethlon tournament. Organizing associations Quatsh (squash), Panache (badminton) and of course our own table tennis association TAVERES joined forces to make this tournament a success. And a success it was! Also, the playing schedule and the scores were abandoned halfway […]

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Pictures van Lint!

As per tradition, the week before the Christmas holidays is host to the van Lint sports week. As an association, we participated in several sports, such as futsal, the not-so-famous kinnball, and many other sports, as well as organizing a table tennis tournament for non-members. Special mention goes to Fellenoord (the tennis association), who managed […]

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This Sunday, the 11th of November, the NSK was held at student table tennis association Hyperion in Tilburg. We had a great time and 7 people of TAVERES participated. Special mention goes to Jonathan and Anouk, who won the B-tournament in the men’s and women’s competition, respectively. Of course, all our other participants (Rick, Martijn, […]

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Mierlo Kersentoernooi

Op zondag 7 oktober organiseerde MTTV ’72 uit Mierlo het Kersentoernooi. Voor onze vereniging deden Martijn de Clerck, Ilya Artsyman en Jeroen Weijts, en niet zonder resultaat! Voor Ilya was dit het eerste toernooi waaraan hij meedeed en hij eindigde op de 8e plaats in de B-poule, die gevuld was met tegenstanders die al meer […]

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Het TAVERES Teamtoernooi komt er weer aan!

Vanwege de positieve reacties op de vorige editie keert het TAVERES teamtoernooi dit jaar terug! Op zaterdag 15 december kunnen deelnemers in teams van twee het tegen elkaar opnemen in een gezellig toernooi. Geïnteresseerd? Op deze pagina kunt u zich inschrijven! Na het toernooi is er de mogelijkheid om nog wat te eten en na […]

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Teamtoernooi 28 april Op 28 april organiseren we een teamtoernooi. In dezelfde vorm als het ITT, maar op iets kleinere schaal. Er is in totaal ruimte voor 32 teams, dus zo’n 64 deelnemers. Voor het toernooi kun je je hier opgeven. Tijdens het toernooi speel je in totaal 6 enkels en 6 dubbels. Iedereen speelt […]

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NSK in Breda

The Dutch Student Championship (Nederlands Studenten Kampioenschap) is hosted in Breda this year. On Saturday 7 October, every student can participate during this event.  To sign up and for more information about this tournament, visit this site (site is in Dutch). You can sign up until 24 September. Last year, Qiang Wang, alias Mighty Mike, became […]

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